Bumblebees are Interesting and Great for the Environment
Out of the Fog It’s the time of year where we have quite a few foggy mornings. They’re most likely...
Out of the Fog It’s the time of year where we have quite a few foggy mornings. They’re most likely...
On Top Yesterday, March 21, was the first official day of spring, although in Florida, spring has been here for...
Flower Flight One of the things that I miss the most in winter is insects. I love insects and spiders...
Butterfly Love At the end of last year, as the weather started to get cooler, the local butterflies were all...
First Butterfly My heart soared with it when I saw my first butterfly over the last weekend. It was fluttering...
Amber Jewel. Before the winter starts a bright dragonfly enjoys the sun. Winter arrives and he has gone, but has...
Fall Dasher The weather is finally starting to warm up (not that we couldn’t end up with more cold before...
2024 was an interesting year to say the least. It had plenty of ups and downs, like most years. I...
A Vivid Surprise A dull brown butterfly feeds quietly on a flower. A flutter of wings or a change in...
Aster and Skipper Climbing asters (Ampelaster carolinianus) are one of the most common and beautiful fall blooming flowers that grow...
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