Luminous Snack Eastern grey squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis) are all over Florida and much of the eastern United States and Canada....
Weathered Wood Will Always Be Beautiful in My Eyes
Weathered As you may know, I love the textures of weathered wood, so when I came across this old tree...
On the Prowl There have been several times over the past couple of weeks that there has been a black...
Colorful American Robins Make Very Long Migrations Twice a Year
Fall Robin For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been seeing a lot of American robins (Turdus migratorius) all over...
It’s a Little Easier to See the Beautiful Cardinals in Winter
In the Weeds The young northern cardinals (Cardinalis cardinalis) have always been prone to hiding in the weeds and underbrush...
Jay Gala Today is Christmas Day in much of the world and even if you don’t celebrate Christmas, it’s a...
Solstice Sumac Many people consider the period around the winter solstice to be a beautiful time of the year. They...
Jump Sometimes I like to go out and look for new places where there may be wildlife, birds, cool insects,...
Snow Bird Another one of my regular winter visitors besides the oven bird are flocks of chipping sparrows (Spizella passerina)....
Waning Woodland Moon Earlier this week we had the last full moon of the year, and although it wasn’t a...
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