Blood Moon, For several of our recent stellar phenomena the weather has been very uncooperative giving us plenty of clouds....
Bedraggled A winters day with cold rain pouring down. A fluffed, wet bird sits on a tree branch Eyes brightly...
Early Dewberry Flower Spring is now in full swing in central Florida. Every time I go out anywhere I see...
A Snag With a View The American kestrel (Falco sparverius) is the smallest falcon in North America and it’s also...
Profile of Woodrine Recently the red bellied woodpeckers (Melanerpes carolinus) have been very full of energy and spunk. There are...
There is a special spot in my heart for red tailed hawks (Buteo jamaicensis) because my first falconry bird was...
Luminous Jessamine At the end of each winter, I look forward to the springtime return of our many colorful wildflowers...
New Mullien As the spring season continues to unfold, not only are the birds nesting and preparing for the breeding...
Flower Flight One of the things that I miss the most in winter is insects. I love insects and spiders...
Butterfly Love At the end of last year, as the weather started to get cooler, the local butterflies were all...
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