Bright Wood Sorrel is a Colorful Spring Wildflower

Every spring there is a section of my yard that gets covered in these small, bright yellow flowers. The flowers aren’t much bigger than the size of your pinkie nail, but there are dozens of them that create of soft carpet of yellow for a short period of time. These pretty little yellow flowers are slender yellow woodsorrel (Oxalis dillenii) flowers or Dillen’s oxalis, and they are something to look forward to each spring. They may look delicate, but they’re actually pretty tough. They can be mowed over, trampled, and even dug up, but they tend to come right back up. Many people consider them a weed since they often grow in mowed lawns (don’t ask me why they’re growing in my yard, then!). They’re native to North America, but because of their toughness, they have come to grow in most of the world. As well as being hearty, these plants can be eaten in salads and have a sour lemon-like flavor. They can also be used to treat scurvy and can help to reduce fevers. Like so many other “weeds”, not only is the plant and its yellow flowers attractive, but it’s also very useful.