The Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse was a Beautiful Sight

For several of our recent stellar phenomena the weather has been very uncooperative giving us plenty of clouds. But on Thursday night (actually early Friday morning) the weather was perfect! The skies were cloudless and filled with stars. Around here the total eclipse occurred at right around 3 am, which made photographing it a bit of a pain since I had to work on Friday, but I managed it with a series of cat naps of 15 to 30 minutes until the total eclipse as it’s seen here. Even though I definitely didn’t want to get up when the alarm went off again in the morning, I will say it was well worth it. The blood moon was incredibly beautiful and also a bit eerie. It was also very nice being outside in the near total darkness with only the sounds of nature and the breeze to keep me company. As I said before, quite a worthwhile experience.