Even a Beautiful Bird May Have to Wait its Turn

Sometimes when I put food out for the birds it takes a little while for anyone to show up, but right now, they’re usually waiting for me (sometimes even “yelling” at me). Things are beginning to grow again, but during the winter food is scarce. The colder weather also makes the wildlife burn more energy to stay warm, so they tend to be hungry. I put the food out in several places to try to satisfy both the ground feeders and the ones who like to be up higher. It also keeps the more aggressive birds from guarding everything. Still, on some mornings, when everybody shows up at once, some have to wait. This little tufted titmouse (Baeolophus bicolor) found a great spot to watch for an opening and was patiently waiting a turn. Luckily, many of the birds that were there were the grab and go style eaters, so those that were waiting didn’t have to wait very long.