Colorful Spring Flowers are Here in Central Florida

Last week we went about two hours further south to the Orlando area to my brother’s house. It doesn’t seem like such a short drive would make a big difference, but this time of year it does. Here in the northern part of central Florida things are still winter brown and except for a few cold weather flowers, nothing is blooming yet. Two hours further south, though, there are a few wildflowers starting to pop out, including this lilac tasselflower (Emilia sonachifolia). These flowers are also known as Cupid’s shaving brush (perfect for Valentine’s Day week), red tasselflower, and flora’s paintbrush and are considered naturalized herbs that are native to Asia.

These herbs are often considered weeds and can be found throughout much of the tropical and subtropical world. They grow on a branching plant that can get to be about two feet high. Each plant can produce numerous flowers during its approximately 90 day lifecycle. As you can see, the flowers are quite strikingly attractive and can be used decoratively, although their branches can make them look a little bit weedy. It can also be used as a salad component, especially the young leaves. Finally, it also is sometimes used in traditional Chinese medicine. These flowers were growing wild, as weeds, and were the first wildflowers I’ve seen so far this year. Even though they weren’t growing in my part of Florida, they give bright hope that spring will be here before we know it.
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