Every Winter I Really Enjoy the Beautiful Oven Birds

Every fall there is at least one little oven bird (Seiurus aurocapilla) that shows up here and makes my property its winter home. This year it was actually two, and at first I thought perhaps they were mates, but they definitely don’t seem to care much for each other. There is just something about these little birds that really appeals to me. It certainly doesn’t hurt that they are quite attractive with their bright orange caps and their striped chests. But it’s definitely more than that. When they first arrive they tend to be shy and stick to the underbrush, but given a bit of time, they get braver, and that’s when they get to be fun. They stroll around on the ground most of the time, but with a certain air of self assurance. I’ve never seen one of them behave aggressively towards another bird (except each other), but the others, even Poppa, seem to leave them alone. They come and go from the brush to the feeding station and back and just mind their own business. It’s that calm, quiet, but self reliant personality that really makes me adore them. Before long, it will be time for them to head north again, but I can only hope that they’ll be back again next winter.
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