There is a Lot of Beautiful Bird Song in the Woods

Bird breeding season is going to be here very soon in north central Florida. Further south in Florida many birds are already in full breeding plumage and performing mating rituals, but up here it’s just getting started. On my trip to Cedar Key over the weekend both the brown pelicans and the great egrets were beginning to get their breeding plumage. Around my property, the birds are also showing early signs of getting ready to breed. Poppa cardinal is becoming a bully again and I’ve seen him feeding Momma a couple of times. But the biggest change I’ve noticed is all the birds singing both around the feeding station and out in the woods. Singing is a way for them to mark their territory and to attract mates. Sunday when I went outside to feed, this little tufted titmouse (Baeolophus bicolor) was singing up a storm in the vines that surround the feeding station. Even after the food was delivered he sang for a little bit, showing just how important it was to him. I know that the ground hog has predicted six more weeks of winter, but around here, it’s starting to look a lot like spring is on its way.
Is wildlife around you showing signs of spring?
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