Osprey are Beautiful and Amazing Hunters

When I first noticed this osprey (Pandion haliaetus) in Cedar Key, it was polishing off a fish. The last little bit went down inside the post, and for a few seconds, the bird seemed very confused about where the last of its meal had disappeared to. After a couple of minutes, through the bird looked up, as if realizing that the last few tidbits were gone. Once it looked up and around, it undoubtedly forgot that meal and began the search for the next one. It didn’t sit long on the post after that. Within the minute it was airborne and in search for its next meal. It’s not unusual to see quite a few osprey out near Cedar Key. Sometimes they’re actually feeding, but they are well enough fed that often they are just hanging out, grooming or keeping an eye on the other birds in the area. Like other birds of prey, they are strict carnivores and they are incredible hunters. They do miss the fish once in a while, but it’s not often, even with the young birds.
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