The Amazing Cuteness of Carolina Chickadees is Undeniable

There are plenty of really adorable little birds that come and go on my property. My absolute favorite is the little oven bird who has shown up for the past two winters, but I also really adore the Carolina chickadees (Poecile carolinensis). They are year round residents, although I see them far more often during the winter time. Their round little bodies make them quite cute, but they also have big personalities. They most often show up at the feeding station with the tufted titmouse flocks. Sometimes it’s one bird, other times it can be a dozen. Like the titmouse, they like to announce themselves, and they tend to feed by grabbing something and heading away from the food to eat it. Even though they feed that way, they a pretty fearless. This one perched in the vines about three feet from me to eat a sunflower seed. It knew I was there because it watched me from time to time, but most of its attention was on that seed. It also could easily hear the click of the shutter while I was shooting photos, but never once even flinched. I suspect it thought that seed was really tasty, but still, it could have carried the seed further away if it was really very frightened of me.

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