Beautiful Downy Woodpeckers are the Smallest Woodpeckers in North America

For about a year now there has been a pretty little downy woodpecker (Dryobates pubescens) living in the trees on my property. It’s quite small compared to the pileated woodpeckers or even the red bellied woodpeckers. In fact, they are the smallest woodpeckers that live in North America. I hadn’t seen a downy woodpecker until we were up in Alaska and was surprised when I researched them to discover that we have them in Florida, too. So when this little guy first showed up, I was very pleased. Since then, I’ve been trying to get some decent photos of him. He’s been pretty elusive and he doesn’t come to the feeding station even though I’ve been told that many people do have them at feeders. But I guess as a New Year’s gift, he decided to hunt in the large live oak near the feeding station. He didn’t seem particularly concerned by the fact that I was sitting out there, but he still didn’t partake of any of the treats I had put out. I haven’t seen a female out there, but I’m hopeful that he’ll find a mate soon and maybe he’ll raise a little family here.

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