Colorful American Robins Make Very Long Migrations Twice a Year

For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been seeing a lot of American robins (Turdus migratorius) all over the place. Other birders I that know have also reported seeing quite a few of them in the area for a little while now. Robins tend to be more of a springtime bird most years, but we saw hardly any last spring, so it was doubly surprising to start seeing them this fall. Most of these birds are in large flocks that are either working the roadsides looking for insects, or up in the surrounding trees chattering away at each other. I’m not really sure if they are simply stopping over on their way further south for the winter, or if they are planning to winter here since at least so far, the weather has been fairly mild. Only time will give us the answer to that question. In the meantime, they are all over the roadsides, in people’s yards, and up in the trees in the woods all over central Florida.
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