Bulltongue Arrowhead is a Strikingly Beautiful Wetland Flower

This morning, I was up and about earlier than usual, since I had to go to work for a few hours. I took advantage of that to shoot some photos that I had been wanting for a little while now. With the day light ending earlier since Daylight Savings Time is over, it has really cut into my shooting time, especially on work days. One of the things I’ve been wanting some photos of ever since the hurricanes dropped quite a bit of rain on us is this bulltongue arrowhead (Sagittaria lancifolia). It grows just about anywhere there is standing water including in the drainage ditches on the roadsides and around the edges of almost and body of slow moving water. This plant was one of many that was growing on the banks of the Wacassassa River when I stopped there on my way home. The other plants and flowers that were growing in the woods along the river made a great background for some shots of these already very attractive flowers on their long stalks with their large sweeping green leaves.
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