Birds in Their Environments are Very Interesting

Recently, I’ve been wanting to try something a little different with the birds that I see regularly. I’ve been trying to get some shots that include a bit more of their wild environment. I’ve been trying use a shorter lens that captures not only the bird, but also it’s natural surroundings whether that includes trees, water, or even the sky. This little Carolina wren (Thryothorus ludovicianus miamensis) was up in one of the oak trees in my yard just singing his tiny heart out. They have very pretty and surprisingly loud voices, so when you hear one singing, they are often fairly easy to find by following the sound. Their song is how they mark and protect their territory, and interestingly, only the males sing like that. This little guy is often either up in that tree singing or flying around the house hunting insects. He’s always a welcome sight, not only because he’s a gorgeous bird with a fabulous voice, but also because he helps to keep the insect populations under control.
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