Who Can Resist a Bunch of Beautiful Fall Flowers?
Every once in a while you run into nature’s beauty in the most unusual places. I found a lot of lantana (Lantana camara) growing wild one afternoon on the edge of the parking lot of the local grocery store. It’s the place I usually go to shop, but I left by a different route this time, and was well rewarded by the gorgeous bush. The afternoon sun was shining brightly on the flowers and they almost glowed. The wooded background behind them was also amazing, so I had to get some photos. I felt like the shots would turn out well, but I was pleasantly surprised when I downloaded them onto my tablet. I absolutely loved the colors and the way the sun was hitting the flowers. I also liked the fact that the red, orange, and yellow were perfect autumn colors. Those bright colors just brightened up my day. Hope they do the same for you.
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