There are Colorful Cardinals All Over My Yard

I’m absolutely amazed that the young cardinals (Cardinalis cardinalis) are still hanging around in my yard. Momma and Poppa have been doing their best to run them off, but they have persisted, even through two hurricanes. It’s now completely impossible to tell the parents from the youngsters at a glance, but because of Momma and Poppas efforts, the youngsters are very wary. For that reason, I’m pretty sure this is one of the young males. He really wanted to fly down and eat, but he knew that if Poppa was around, Poppa would chase him away. I find it interesting how both of the older cardinals are preconditioned to chase off the youngsters they once nurtured even though the food is plentiful here. On some level they must realize that, since now that breeding season is over, they get along well with birds of other species that come to the feeding station. I suppose that evolutionarily it makes sense for them to send the youngsters (and therefore their own genes) out into the world. First of all, that spreads the genes further. Second, hopefully the genetic line will continue if something dangerous (like a hurricane) happens here. It just seems foreign to me, as a human being, to understand purposefully driving your children away. But on a lighter note, watching all the interactions, is extremely interesting. Frequently I find myself engrossed in what the birds are doing and why they’re doing it and then forgetting to shoot any photos.
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