Palamedes Butterflies are a Big Fall Sensation

One of the largest butterflies that are commonly seen around here in the summer and fall season are the Palamedes swallowtails (Papilio palamedes). They are one of the black swallowtails that I frequently have some difficulties telling apart from one another, especially if I’m a little ways away. They are quite beautiful from above or below, although they are definitely more colorful on the undersides. Like most swallowtail butterflies, they flap their wings almost continuously, even while feeding, so it’s not too hard to get photos of the wings wide open, which is really when you can see the colors best. This one was enjoying the blossoming blackjack flowers in my front garden at the end of last week along with several other types of butterflies, several types of bees, and a few wasps. It’s always nice to see these beauties fluttering around out in the yard, either when I’m out there or when I’m inside looking out a window.

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