The Woods are Alive with Beautiful Young Birds

All the attention and extra things I’ve added to my feeding station are paying off. Right now I have young birds from this year’s broods all over the place. I’ve already shared some photos of Patch, one of the three cardinals from Momma and Poppas first clutch. His brother, Hutch, and his sister, Duchess, are also still hanging around. There are also at least two from the last clutch, too. I’ve also spotted at least one immature red bellied woodpecker. The latest additions to the group have been two young blue jays (Cyanocitta cristata). I’m calling them Huey and Lewie. Right now they’re easy to tell apart because Huey has most of this head feathers in, while Lewie’s head is covered in pin feathers. Before long, though, I won’t be able to tell them apart, because Lewie’s feathers will open up pretty quickly. These babies will all grow up fast, and then they’ll head off to find mates and start their own families, but it’s really enjoyable having them around now.

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