Robber Flies Can be Unpredictable and Interesting

Yesterday I decided to take what I call a “bug walk” around my property. After several years of doing this, I kind of know where I’m likely to find insects and often which ones I’m likely to find where. But sometimes they surprise me. I had actually finished my walk and was heading inside when this robber fly (Family Asiliidae) flew by me and landed at my feet. I quickly snapped off a couple shots and then concentrated on getting a more interesting angle than just straight from above. I tried several angles while standing and then dropped down to the ground to get some shots are that level. Throughout that entire time, the fly sat perfectly still completely ignoring my attention. After I had taken quite a few shots at ground level and was sort of considering going in, it launched itself into the air just as suddenly as it had arrived. I was lucky enough to be shooting at the time and managed to get the above image of it as it took flight. Below is another shot taken at ground level just so you can see what it looked like at rest. Needless to say, that was a really fun way to finish up my “bug walk”.

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