Sandhill Cranes are Beautiful in the Air

Sandhill cranes (Antigone canadensis) are fairly common wading birds in north central Florida (as well as many other places in the United States and southern Canada). I’m fortunate enough to have a friend who lives on a large pond that attracts quite a few of them, so whenever I go over there, I try to make a trip out to the pond with my camera. Back in December, I was out there and there were a lot of birds. As the afternoon progressed towards evening more and more flew over on their way to roost for the night. I was lucky enough to snap this shot of one as it flew over the pond towards the roosting destination. I love the calls that these birds make to each other when one or more flies over a group on the ground. It’s a loud, haunting call that will either pull you towards them or send you running away depending on your inclinations.
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