Carpenter Ants are Surprisingly Tidy Little Insects

Most of us tend to think of insects are dirty, germ infested animals that have very little intelligence. And for many of them, that is true. Insects have been known to spread diseases since before we even realized that diseases were caused by microorganisms. But not all insects are either dirty or completely stupid, either. That’s not to say that insects have the same type of intelligence that higher animals do. Insect intelligence is far more primitive, but it most definitely exists. Take carpenter ants (Camponotus floridanus) for example. They have a pretty complex social structure with classes or casts and each individual has a job. They are even known to farm their own food. They are also known to be pretty tidy. They will purposefully walk through water to clean their feet, and if you watch them for any length of time you will probably notice them grooming from time to time. They even keep the aphids that they farm clean by removing mites from them. So the next time you find yourself thinking insects are stupid, filthy things just keep in mind that not all of them actually are.
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