Here is Another Colorful Male Eastern Pondhawk

Not too long ago I showed you guys a photo of an Eastern pondhawk dragonfly (Erythemis simplicicollis) who was in the process of changing from the immature male coloration of bright green to the mature male coloration of powder blue. I found this one who was further along in his change recently at Manatee Springs State Park. On this one, the color change was almost complete except for the eyes and a very small spot on the lower thorax below the wings. When I took the photo, I actually wasn’t sure if it was a changing pondhawk or another species that is blue with green eyes. It wasn’t until I was processing the image that I realized that there was still a spot of green on the thorax and that they eyes are a more bluish green than the face, which will remain green. It has been quite interesting this summer seeing the various animal changing colors as they mature. As I’ve said before, nature never stops being fascinating!
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