The Cute Little Tufted Titmice Love to Grab and Go

One of the most frequent visitors to my feeding station are the little tufted titmice (Baeolophus bicolor). Rarely is there a day when I don’t see them. They usually arrive in a small group, making their distinctive calls as they arrive. The boldest individuals usually come right down and grab something, while others are a little more shy. They’re what I call grab and go feeders. They usually fly in, spend a few seconds picking something, and either fly back up into the oaks or perch on my chainlink fence to eat it. Once in a while they will stay a little longer, especially if eating suet, but it’s almost never very long. I’ve noticed the same type of feeding behavior in some of the other small songbirds, too. Especially the Carolina chickadees. It’s definitely not a behavior that all small birds engage in, though. I’ve always been interested in animal behavior (in fact, I have a Master’s Degree in it!), so it’s almost second nature for me to notice how animals act in various situations. It’s always extremely interesting.
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