The Colorful Grey Hairstreak is an Interesting Summer Butterfly

Grey hairstreaks (Strymon melinus) are a very small butterfly, especially when compared to ones like the Palamedes swallowtails. They tend to live is scrubby areas with a fair amount of underbrush, so they aren’t always easy to find, either. Fortunately, they are very fond of the blackjack flowers that grow all over my garden. This one was even out in a fairly open area, so I could get some unobstructed photos of it. In fact, it was very much into this particular flower and stayed on it for about ten minutes, giving me ample time to observe it. Always before when I’ve watched these guys, they sit with their wings folded over their backs. Interestingly, as it fed this one would from time to time spread its wings out like it’s doing in these shots. I’ve never seen one do this before and I’m not sure if the behavior was significant or not. Nevertheless, it was cool to watch, and it made for some interesting images.

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