Eastern Bumble Bees are Some of the Very Best Pollinators

Last week when I was out there, the roadside in front of the cattle egret rookery was filled with these big eastern bumble bees (Bombus impatiens). The reason being that there were several different types of flowers blooming along the roadside. The rookery is located in a swampy marsh area, and is one of the few places that is still holding water right now, so it’s also one of the few places with blossoming flowers. The bees were everywhere, flitting from flower to flower and species to species. Like most bumble bees, the eastern bumble bee is usually nonaggressive, but they will sting if harassed or stepped on. They are social bees that usually live in nests that they build in holes (often abandoned rodent holds) in the ground. They are also sometimes farmed for honey production or for crop pollination. Their large size and very active lifestyle make them extremely effective pollinators. Between that and their docile nature, they’re great bees to have around. So the next time you see a large bee nearby, don’t be afraid, it’s almost certainly a bumble bee, and it’s far more interested in the flowering plants than it is in you.
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