Colorful Blue Jays Really Seem to Enjoy Fruit

Momma and Poppa cardinal were the first birds that started coming to my feeding station on a regular basis, but since I started putting out fruit, I also have an eastern blue jay (Cyanocitta cristata) who swings by most days. I’ve named him Bluey (nearly as original as Momma and Poppa, I know). I know a lot of birders don’t like blue jays coming to their feeders since they can bully the other birds and be disruptive, but anyone is welcome at my feeding station. So far, at least, Bluey doesn’t seem to be disruptive. In fact, he seems quite shy. It has taken him weeks to get comfortable with me being around, and still doesn’t like it if I move quickly. At first, he would fly in and scope things out several times before grabbing something and flying off to eat it. He’s still very cautious, and Poppa has run him off several times. I’m suspicious that he’s fairly young, but I could be wrong. I suppose that even generally outgoing birds must have shier, more submissive individuals out there.
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