The Brown Winged Sweat Bees are Beautiful Little Bees

Up until very recently, there have been a lot of these cute little male brown winged sweat bees (Lassioglossum fuscipenne) buzzing around in the wildflowers. They seem especially fond of the blackjack flowers, which is why there aren’t as many around recently. We haven’t had any significant rain in several weeks and things are currently pretty dry. Blackjacks do well in a lot of circumstances, but they don’t like dry weather. All the flowers have withered or gone to seed, but once we start getting our regular afternoon thundershowers they will start to produce blossoms again. In the mean time, most of our little sweat bees have gone to other areas with more moisture. Like the flowers, they will return again once the rains start. In the mean time, I rather miss them, so I thought I’d post one just to cheer myself up!
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