Purple Crepe Myrtle is Just as Beautiful as Red

Years ago a friend of mine gave me several crepe myrtle trees. At the time, they weren’t blooming and they were very small. I had to wait until their first bloom to find out what color they were. I had hoped for a variety of colors, but it turned out that all of mine are red. I make sure to photograph them every summer when they’re in bloom, but I’m always on the lookout for crepe myrtle flowers in some of the other colors. So needless to say, when the crepe myrtle near the office next door started to bloom and its flowers were purple, I had to get some shots of them. I love the folds and textures of crepe myrtle flowers, but of course, their main point of beauty is their stunning color. I’m hoping to catch some flowers with pollinators on them, but so far no luck, but I check them every time I’m out at the office.
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