It’s the Time of Year that Colorful Pickerel Weed is in Bloom

Even though spring is just getting underway in much of the northern hemisphere, here in the southern United States we are transitioning into summer. This is actually a great time of year because the weather isn’t unbearably hot yet, and we have both spring and early summer flowers blooming. One of our summer flowers that is flourishing this year is the pickerel weed (Pontederia cordata). It’s interesting to me that it is considered a weed since it produces some really beautiful flowers and it has all sorts of uses. Back in Florida’s early days it was used as food for both people and for livestock. It also has quite a few medicinal uses, too.

Pickerel weed grows in moist areas like swamp edges, lake sides, and near runoff areas along the roads. This particular field of them is pretty large and grows in a drainage area not far from where I live. I drive by this area on my way back and forth from work, and I always love it when the pickerel weed starts to blossom. It creates these large patches that are just covered in stalks with hundreds of small, brilliant purple flowers. While I was photographing these flowers I also saw numerous small pollenators and quite a few dragonflies. So as you can see, pickerel weed is not only gorgeous and useful to people and livestock, but it’s a vital part of our environment, as well.
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