Beautiful White Tailed Deer Tend to Be Very Cautious Out in the Open

We tend to have quite a few white tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) around our neighborhood since we back up onto the Gothe State Forest. It’s not at all uncommon to see them out near the road early in the morning or just before dusk. They like to graze on the grasses and weeds that grow on the roadsides. We also have a number of people with horses in the neighborhood, and horse pastures are another favorite feeding ground. Yesterday evening I happened to be coming home just before dusk and discovered a small herd of does grazing in one of my neighbor’s pastures. Whenever they are out in an open area like that they are on high alert and even though I knew better than to get out of my mobile hide (otherwise known as my truck), they still kept a close eye on me the entire time I was watching them. Had I tried to get out or made any noise, I’m sure they would have been gone in a heartbeat. Caution and speed are how you stay alive when you are a prey species.

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