Little Ground Doves are Interesting Characters

Almost every day there are quite a few of these adorable little ground doves (Columbina passerina) that come to the feeding station. They tend to arrive and depart in small groups with a lot of rustling of feathers. Then they strut around on the ground looking for seeds that the squirrels have dropped or that I have placed there. As they strut, they are continuously probing at the ground with their bills looking for seeds, grasses and other small vegetation, and fruit. They will also sometimes eat snails and small insects as well. They mate for life and are usually pretty tolerant of other birds being around them, but in their groups there are the occasional scuffles. It’s rather entertaining to watch them when they do this because it mainly consists of chasing each other around on the ground and sometimes up into the air. After a few seconds of this they usually settle down and go right back to searching for food. With their fairly short legs, large breasts, and strutting, jerky waddling way of moving it can be very comical. They might not be one of the most colorful or beautiful birds that come around (although I would never say that they’re ugly, either), but they are always fascinating

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