A Unique Little Skipper has Only One Antenna

Now that the butterflies are returning, I’m seeing more and more of them each day. Being very early in the year yet, most of them are in good shape, but a few have torn wings. This pretty little fiery skipper (Hylephila phyleus) is the only one I’ve seen missing an antenna, though. When I first saw it, I thought that one was just lined up behind the other, but when I got a slightly different angle, it was easy to tell that the left antenna was completely missing. Even though the antennas look pretty fragile, it’s pretty unusual to see a butterfly completely missing one. Torn wings, and even missing legs aren’t that unusual, and I’ve seen quite a few broken antennas or antennas missing tips, but I think this is the first one I’ve ever seen missing a whole antenna. It didn’t seem to bother the butterfly at all, but it definitely seemed kind of odd to me.

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