American Crows Love Fruit and Suet

Just like their relatives, the blue jays, the local American crows (Corvus brachyrhynchos) have been enjoying the fruit that I’ve been adding to the feeding station menu lately. There is a group of them that live in this area, and they’ve been stopping by a lot more since I started putting out fruit. They would occasionally come around for seeds mainly in the late afternoon if there was anything left.

Crows, like their jay cousins, are very intelligent and are known to sometimes be aggressive towards other birds, so many birders don’t like them to come to eat. Like with the jays, I don’t mind if they show up, and so far they have been quite well behaved. In fact, so far they have seemed to be kind of shy, and quickly disappear if either myself or one of the dogs is around. We will see how long the peace lasts, but so far they’ve been ideal guests.

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