One More Post About My Little Friend the Oven Bird

Along with some interesting new birds that I’ve been seeing lately, I have also been seeing some of my old favorites including Momma and Poppa , the Carolina wrens, and my little oven bird (Seiurus aurocapilla). I know that any day now she will probably begin her migration back north for the breeding season, so I’ve been taking photos of her every chance I get. She’s still not the most outgoing bird, but she has become much less reclusive than she was when she first arrived. Just recently she has taken to sitting on this low branch and watching the other birds come and go after she has eaten her fill. I’m not sure what that means, but it has made her easier to get pictures of. There is some brush that overhangs her perch, but from one angle, through kind of a tunnel, I can get a clean shot of her and a clean background too. I took this one yesterday. Who knows if I’ll get another one.
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