How’s About One More Beautiful Afternoon Moon?

This is another somewhat old image that needed a bit of work. As I said yesterday, whenever I see a pretty moon in the late afternoon, I try to get a couple of photos. As you can see, even with some post processing work, it’s still a little noisy and not as sharp as I would like. Lately our skies have been pretty cloud covered, so there haven’t been any visible afternoon moons. When the weather improves, I want to try to get some photos with both my new Cannon camera and with my new telescope. I’m curious to see how both turn out. As I have said before, I’m very inexperienced in any kind of astrophotography and the moon in very basic, but we all have to start somewhere. I look forward to learning how to use my new tools and expand my portfolio. One of the things I have really enjoyed about photography and art (and veterinary medicine, too for that matter) is learning how to do new things.
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