Ring Billed Gulls are Very Interesting and Outgoing Birds

Yesterday, I wrote about my little bird friend the towhee, so for a complete change, today I chose these ring billed gulls (Larus delawarensis). The towhee is very shy and tries to stay hidden as much as possible, while the gulls are extremely outgoing and have no qualms about mixing with other birds or people. They are quite comfortable being out in the open, and can sometimes be downright bossy. These gulls were part of the mixed group of birds that kept me entertained while I was waiting at the hardware store to get my order loaded. There were quite a few of these gulls, some white ibis, some moscovy ducks, and a group of American crows that came and went a couple of times. The gulls were especially entertaining when a group of kids threw a bunch of popcorn out onto the grass. All the birds were interested in that treat, and for the most part they all got along, but the gulls were definitely the dominant birds there. They would take popcorn from everyone else (including each other), even though both the ducks and the ibis are notably larger. The time spent with the birds was a saving grace on an otherwise completely irritating day.

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