This Beautiful Female Deer was Very Protective of Her Fawn

Earlier in 2023 I came across this beautiful female white tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) and her young fawn while I was driving to work. They were very co-operative photo subjects, which is unusual for deer. The doe was also very alert and very cautious about her youngster. I wrote a post about it back then because it was such an exciting wildlife encounter, but I took too many photos to publish in one post. As I sat in my truck watching them, they relaxed a little bit, and the fawn began to nurse. The doe even started to graze, but she always kept a close eye on me, and I’m sure if I had tried to get out of the truck, they would have bolted. It kind of reminded me of our moose encounter in Alaska. As I headed on my way to work, the two of them were still in the same place with the doe grazing and the fawn nursing.

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