This is Another Interesting Landscape from Pepper Creek

Yesterday I featured a photo that I took at the top of a small creek in Homosassa, Florida named Pepper Creek. Many years ago, I knew that creek like the back of my hand since I had driven a boat back and forth on it multiple times a day. Now there is a trail that runs alongside the creek, and back in November, we decided to walk it. This photo was taken not far from the one I presented last night and shows the end of the trail. I was drawn to take it by the beautiful poplar tree that was in the process of loosing its leaves for the winter. The colors of the leaves that remained on the tree were very striking. I don’t very often include man made objects in my photos unless I have no choice, but in this case I thought that the bench really added to the composition. I could easily image myself sitting on that enjoying a peaceful bit of afternoon sun.
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