Time for Colorful and Artistic Processing With One of My Favorite Photos
Sometimes I enjoy doing some artistic processing of some of my photos. I generally use a combination of photo apps and then put on the final touches by hand. These tend to be my favorite projects because they give me loads of freedom in my process and they allow me to combine my two creative passions; photography and drawing. These projects usually take a number of days, and just like anything else, they don’t always come out at all the way I initially saw them in my mind (that’s part of the fun!). Sometimes I end up reworking them as they progress as new ideas come to mind, and sometimes they don’t work out at all. Occasionally I trash those, but often I set them aside for some time and try again. I actually completed this one of a Florida gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) a little while ago, but set it aside with the thought of giving it a few days and making sure I still liked it. Then it got forgotten (oops, that happens too sometimes), but eventually remembered. So anyway, I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it.
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