Alamo Vine Produces One of My Favorite Flowers

The Alamo vine (Merremia dissecta), also called the noyau vine, is a common Florida native, that many people consider a weed. It frequently grows along and climbs fences as well as trees or anything else where it can find relatively direct sunlight. In the summer and the fall it also produces some truly gorgeous white flowers with a deep, dark red center, which I absolutely love. This year they started blooming earlier in the year than usual, and although their numbers were sharply declining, there were a few flowers up until we had our first light frost last week. That made me very happy since they’re one of my favorite flowers. Between the really nice color contrast, and the rounded, deep throated shape of the flowers I just can’t help but admire them. Hopefully they will be as abundant next year as they were this year.
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