Spotted Orb Weavers Always Have Interesting Patterns on Their Backs

Here is yet another of our beautifully decorated Florida orb weaver spiders. This one is a spotted orb weaver (Neoscona domicillorum), which can also be called a red femured spotted orb weaver, a hairy field spider, or a barn spider. They are well known for having interesting spotted patterns of several types on their backs (hence the name). This cross pattern is common around here, but they can also have zigzags or interrupted stripes. This spider was living in the Gothe State Forest and had strung its web across a narrow spot on the trail. The sun was dropping fast and I was hurrying towards home before it got dark when I almost walked right into it. Luckily, I spied the spider in the center of the structure she was creating just before I plowed through it. These spiders weave a new web every night, and I would have hated for her to have had to rebuild it. Never mind the fact that even though I love spiders, I’m not overly fond of spider web on my face and in my hair. Like all our other pretty spiders, I’m sure she didn’t survive the two cold nights we’ve had this week. Hopefully, she got her eggs laid before it hit.
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