Many Female Spiders are Great Guardians for Their Eggs

While hiking in Gothe State Forest not long ago, I found a gorgeous patch of tamarisk flowers that was loaded with wasps and bees and also this pretty little green lynx spider (Peucetia viridans). The lynx spiders tend to be rather shy and they’re usually pretty well hidden in the brush. If you do spot one they tend to try to hustle off. This one was pretty well hidden in a tangle of web that was built around three bunches of flowers, but when I found her, she hardly moved. Even when I got closer to her she stayed put. As I got closer, I realized that what I had taken to be part of the tangled webbing was actually a rounded structure. In fact, it was her egg sac. Some spiders drag the sac around with them, but most leave it attached to some structure or other. Some stay and guard it like the little lynx spider while others leave it and go about their way. I’m not really sure what such a tiny spider is going to do if something larger decides to eat the eggs, but she was definitely not leaving it. Fortunately, all I wanted to do was take a few photos. I’d already eaten that day!
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