Honey Bees are Among the Beautiful Fall Pollinators That Love Tamarisk

Recently, when I went out for a hike, I found this wonderful patch of tamarisk flowers not far from my house. It was loaded with pollinators of all sizes and shapes. I could probably have spent the entire day right there just shooting pics of wasps, bees, and all manner of other insects. Among the insects that the flowers had attracted were quite a few honey bees (Apis mellifera). They were constantly coming and going (along with many of the others), so I tried to get a few of them in flight. Many of them came out as buzzy blurs, but several came out pretty well, and this one was the best of the lot. She was headed in to a groups of the flowers to collect more pollen, even though she already had pretty full pollen sacks on her legs. One thing you have to admire about honey bees is their work ethic.
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