The Circle of Life Continues in the Form of These Beautiful Seeds

One of the great things about nature is that it’s always changing. In the spring new life begins to grow. All the perennials begin to get green again, the annuals start to sprout, and the spring flowers begin to bloom. Wildlife starts nesting and breeding to produce the next generation. Now we’re in fall, and all the plants and trees are heading to brown again. The wildlife is migrating to warmer spaces, or getting fat to try to make it through the winter. Many of the fall flowers, including the camphorweeds (Heterotheca subaxillaris) have gone to seed. Those seeds will be the next generation and around we will go again. Since those seeds represent the future; next year’s batch of camphorweeds and the next round of the cycle, it seemed appropriate to put them on a universal and limitless background. Hope for the season to come and the continuation of the cycle of life rests in a pretty little seed head.
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