Colorful Blue Jays are Brilliant and Often Quite Bold

It’s not very often that I get an Eastern blue jay (Cyanocitta cristata) coming around on my property. I’m not sure why because they definitely do live in the area. So I was pleasantly surprised when this fellow showed up at the feeding station last week. They’re such pretty birds with their bright blue wings and tails and their lighter blue backs that I always like seeing them. They’re also very intelligent (they’re related to American crows, who are also known to be very smart), so watching them is often entertaining. Like crows they’re known to have bold, brazen personalities. This one was definitely no exception. I heard him before I saw him, and he squawked most of the time he was out there. He mostly strutted around and flew in and out several times, but ate very little. He wasn’t at all aggressive toward the other birds, but just acted like he owned the place. He only stayed for about ten minutes and then flew off for good. I haven’t seen him since, so I’m not really sure what the show was all about, but it was amusing and I never mind being entertained.
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