Hope Everyone has a Wonderful Labor Day!
Happy Labor Day 2023 to everyone!
Happy Labor Day 2023 to everyone!
Dee Esler is a practicing veterinarian and avid lover of all things animal and nature. She has a long background and educational history dealing with animals. She also works as an amateur photographer and graphic artist in her off hours, and is expanding that portion of her life.
The End of the Colorful Sunset Reflects Perfectly shows readers the waning colors at the end of a fall sunset over a central Florida lake. It tells readers about the author/artist’s trip to the lake and about the afternoon’s hike that culminated in a sunset at lakeside.
Despite a Dry Spring, Many Local Plants are Doing Great features a macro photo of a soon to flower lamb’s tongue flower head. It shows how well this late spring plant is doing despite a dry spring.
Wonderful Pink Lady Lupine is Best Appreciated in Nature shows off a beautiful Florida wildflower that grows exclusively in the sandhills. It discusses the interesting lifecycle of this plant as well as why it doesn’t grow well in gardens.
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