Spiders Can be Amazing and Brilliant Sculptors

On Monday morning, after driving out to watch the sunrise, I decided to make a little trip out to Gothe State Forest to wander around a little before the day got too hot. I’ve been missing not having as much outdoors time since most of the day it’s just too hot and humid to even sit outside. I didn’t go far since I had my dogs with me and they’re not supposed to be in the park. One of the first things I saw when I got there was this three dimensional spider web. It had been spun between the twigs on a dead weed, and it was very intricate. The spider had definitely created a beautiful work of art, and the soft morning light just made it shine. I didn’t see a spider in the web, so I’m not sure which type made it, but I was quite impressed! There were a couple of captured insects in the web, so I’m sure that not only was the web quite beautiful, but it was also very effective.
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