Sunset Can be Exceptionally Beautiful Over a Salt Marsh

Last night I was headed home after a very nice day of visiting with my Mom and my youngest nephew. I was noticing that the evening sky was starting to look pretty colorful and I really wanted to go somewhere to watch it. Living in a wooded part of Florida can have its drawbacks when it comes to watching sunsets since to get the best view requires finding an open area. I was trying to think of where I could go when it hit me, so at the next road I turned towards the water. I hadn’t been out to this area since I was in high school, so I had no idea what to expect, but I figured worst case I would simply have wasted some time. The road was much more built up than I remembered, which wasn’t surprising, and the sun was sinking further and further. The color was changing quickly and I was beginning to think I had indeed wasted my time, when things began to thin out, so I kept on. Before long, the houses turned to salt marsh and it was gorgeous in the glow of the sunset. But now the problem was that there was nowhere to get off the road! Again, I almost turned around, but I knew there used to be a boat ramp at the end of the road, so I kept going. The color was changing and I knew I was missing everything until shortly before the end of the road, I came to a pull out that overlooked the marsh. It was perfect! The sun was down by now, but the color was if anything, even more intense, as it often is just after sundown. I jumped out and started taking photos. Tonight, I used those photos to create my first panoramic landscape. I’m pretty pleased with how it turned out, but let me know your thought.
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