Sometimes the Most Beautiful Insects Come to You

This morning I took a two hour hike/photo session in the woods in Gothe State Forest. I saw some interesting flowers and a couple of small beetles, but nothing really spectacular. Later, I went out for some errands and came home to find this gorgeous tiger swallowtail butterfly (Papilio glaucus) perched on a palm frond exploring it with its long proboscis. It had rained while I was out, and I think it was searching for and drinking water droplets off of the frond. I approached it slowly and was able to get some nice shots. The butterfly was totally absorbed it what it was doing and completely ignored me. These were by far, the best photos of the day. Luckily, my hikes are both for getting photos and for getting a workout in a peaceful environment, so even though the photo session wasn’t fantastic, it wasn’t a waste of time, either.
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